Weight Calculations

In order to proceed with the suspension work I need to calculate the expected weight and distribution. Being so early in the project, this is going to be a rough estimate. For the sake of suspension work I am only interested in sprung weight. I took the starting weight of the truck as advertised in the manual and started deducting the weight of components coming out like engine, transmission, transfer case, etc. Then I add back the weights for the new major components. I didn’t research the standard weight distribution of an SUV type vehicle but I estimated a 65-35% front/rear split. Don’t confuse the poorly formatted chart – the engine is still a Cummins 6BT from a Dodge. Now, I know I just said I didn’t include axle weight and yet you see axle weight. To figure the unsprung Jeep 2.0 value I took the advertised curb weight of the Jeep less the major components listed, and then added back only the new engine, transmission transfer case. I have the new axle weight there for giggles (honestly I can’t remember why I have it there; probably estimating final weight). It is 3000lbs Front / 1600lbs Rear without the new axles.